+1 682-518-3070
Mon -Thur 9-12 and 1-5 CST, Fri 10-1 CST, SAT by appt, SUN closed
Healthy This Way is a unique community health initiative designed to help the Mansfield Community live a more healthy lifestyle. Dustin Strong is a founding member of the initiative and continues to guide its activities throughout the city of Mansfield.
Strong On Health is also proud to be a corporate sponsor of Healthy This Way.
The City of Mansfield, The Mansfield ISD and The Mansfield Area Chamber of Commerce are partnering on this initiative with a five year plan. Each year we will add a new phase to the Healthy This Way.
campaign. Year One was MOVE This Way and Year Two is EAT This way!
To learn more about how you can get involved as a business, a community group or an individual, check out the Healthy This Way website. For current events, follow our Facebook / Instagram accounts below.